
Select your voucher(s). Then choose from a range of Delivery Options below and click on Continue. On the next page you can review your selection. You can then enter your details and any recipient details.

Cash Voucher

This Cash Voucher can be redeemed for any services the hotel may offer which may include accommodation, food and beverage, leisure or other such services or may instead be used online on our website reservations page to be redeemed directly against the cost of a booking.

When redeeming this Cash Voucher, please contact us in advance to make your booking. If redeeming online, the earliest arrival date is 7 days after date of purchase.

Delivery options

You will receive an email for each voucher.
You and the recipient will receive an email for each voucher. The recipient email will not show the value (unless Cash Voucher where value is shown)
You will receive an email for each voucher. Each voucher will also be posted to you but the value is not shown (unless Cash Voucher where value is shown)
You will receive an email for each voucher. Each voucher will also be posted to its recipient but the value is not shown (unless Cash Voucher where value is shown)